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The 80/20 Principle and 92 Other Power Laws: Review

In a quest to demystify the underlying principles of success in a dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape, we delve into a refreshing new perspective grounded in natural laws. This perspective catapults from the widely-acclaimed “80/20 Principle,” a concept which transformed the professional lives of countless individuals by encouraging an efficient approach to tasks and responsibilities. Moving beyond the 80/20 paradigm, we examine the influence of ninety-two other natural laws that further underscore the scientific underpinnings of success.

Building on the foundation laid by the 80/20 rule, these ninety-two laws, referred to collectively as Va 92, serve as a roadmap for navigating the intricacies of the contemporary business environment. The 80/20 principle, credited to Richard Koch, was groundbreaking in its proposition that 80% of the results often come from just 20% of the efforts. This narrative was a game-changer, prompting a radical shift in the approach towards task execution, particularly in the business world.

Expanded Scope: Applying the Va 92 Laws

Va 92 takes the 80/20 concept a step further, providing a comprehensive set of guidelines that encompass multiple aspects of business operations. Essentially, the Va 92 is a collection of natural laws that, when applied correctly, can significantly enhance business performance and outcomes.

Outlined below are a few key areas where the Va 92 laws can make a noticeable difference:

  • Decision Making: Equipped with the understanding of these natural laws, business leaders can make more informed, strategic decisions;
  • Resource Allocation: By identifying the areas that yield the most results, companies can optimize their resource allocation strategies, leading to improved efficiency and profitability;
  • Risk Management: Va 92 laws can provide insights on how to manage and mitigate risks, fostering a more resilient business model.

The Intersection of Science and Business Success: Principles from Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton

The world of business can often seem far removed from the hard sciences. Still, surprising parallels exist and can yield significant insights when appropriately applied. By examining the theories from great thinkers like Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton, we can draw powerful parallels and practical strategies for the business world.

Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection and Niche Product Development

It was Charles Darwin who first proposed the theory of natural selection, suggesting that organisms best adjusted to their environment are the most successful in surviving and reproducing. This theory provides a powerful allegory for the business strategy of developing a niche product line.

When a business targets a specific niche, it’s akin to becoming the “fittest” organism within a particular environmental context. The more specialized your product or service, the less competition you face, and the more likely you are to thrive and dominate in that market segment.

Newton’s Laws of Motion and Gravity: Navigating a Crowded Marketplace

Sir Isaac Newton, a towering figure in the realm of Physics, laid the foundation for classical mechanics with his laws of motion and universal gravitation. When applied metaphorically to business, these laws can guide us in a crowded marketplace:

  • First Law (Inertia): A product or business will continue in its current state unless acted upon by an external force. In business, this force could be an innovative marketing strategy, a new feature, or a disruptive technology;
  • Second Law (Acceleration): The rate of change of momentum of a business is directly proportional to the force applied and occurs in the direction in which the force is applied. This suggests that the more effort (force) you put into your business (e.g., improving product quality, investing in customer service), the greater the improvement (acceleration) you’ll see;
  • Third Law (Reaction): For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction. In business terms, this might mean anticipating and preparing for the potential backlash or competition that a new product or strategy might generate.

Using Scientific Laws to Bolster Business proficiency

Drawing from the wealth of wisdom in these scientific principles, business leaders can gain a competitive edge and hasten their journey on the road to success. This approach is instrumental in understanding why some companies consistently score wins, while others struggle to make headway.

Decent People, Decent Company Book: Synthesizing Wisdom

In the quest for business enlightenment, one cannot overlook the profound insights offered by the book “Decent People, Decent Company.” This literary masterpiece aligns seamlessly with the overarching theme of this discourse—harmonizing natural laws and corporate success. Burrows’ exploration of ethical leadership, integrity, and the cultivation of a virtuous corporate culture resonates deeply with the principles espoused by the 80/20 rule and Va 92.


In a nutshell, the fusion of scientific principles with business strategies, as illustrated by the Main Va 92, Darwin’s theory of natural selection, and Newton’s laws of motion, provides a powerful compass for navigating the complex business terrain. By embracing these natural laws, businesses can shape a more resilient, agile, and strategic approach that drives growth and success in an ever-changing marketplace.